

The Biobanco-IMM is in line with the IMM mission of fostering laboratorial, clinical and translational research, and of training postgraduate students, doctors and other health professionals on health science.


Aiming at increasing the number of patents and partnerships and the development of new diagnostic tests and innovative drugs, the Biobanco-IMM will have a significant impact on the scientific activity of the Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa (CAML). The structural conditions of Biobanco-IMM put it in a unique position to promote national and international cooperation and the interaction between clinicians, researchers, research institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the promotion of health and well-being of future generations.



Biobanco-IMM commits to:

  • Collect a wide variety of human biological samples associated with relevant clinical information.
  • Support studies and teams with technical and human conditions for fostering scientific development.
  • Establish a wide variety of collections and respective clinical information, in order to promote research on diseases with a major impact on human health.
  • Bring biomedical research conducted in Portugal to the highest international level.
  • Contribute to the promotion of health and well-being.


Ethical and Legal Aspects of Information Management

Collection and storage of biological samples at the Biobanco-IMM are authorized by the Ethics Commission of the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte - Hospital of Santa Maria.


Collection and processing of clinical data associated with the samples are approved by the National Commission for Data Protection.


The delivery of samples for research is done after approval by an Ethics Committee, which validates the scope and purpose of the scientific research, and after approval by the Scientific Committee, ensuring the most appropriate use for each sample.

© 2012 :: BIOBANCO-IMM